A new direction

I am now 5 weeks into the new school year; beginning my second year as MYP Coordinator, my 8th as a Head of PE and my 11th in teaching overall. (Wow, I feel old!).

I have been goal-setting for the year ahead and reflecting on the year passed; and it occurred to me that perhaps I should change the name of this blog now, as my professional focus and goals are evolving

I am still the Subject Chair for PHE and teach within the subject, but much of my time is also dedicated to my role as an IB Coordinator – leading curriculum development and implementation through my work with the teachers across the 8 subjects in the MYP. This is an exciting role in which I am challenged everyday – I love the opportunity to work with other teachers, share ideas and influence learning in different areas of the school.

I am still passionate about PHE and SEHS; and I prize my time teaching those students – I am not ready to step out of the classroom yet! But I would like to start adding more to this blog about my role as MYP Coordinator.

As I explore my strengths and limitations as a leader, I want to reflect on the process, research what others are doing and continue learning (and hopefully improving). So, to start in this new direction, I have decided to write a new blog. It is still being developed but please take a look when I create my first post:


Photo by Isaque Pereira on Pexels.com

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